Frequently Asked Questions

Why was UtahSpermDonor.org created?

UtahSpermDonor.org (USD) was founded as a resource for people who are looking to start or expand their families with sperm donors or co-parents. Our mission is to not only bring people together, but to provide valuable information on the legal, health and long-term issues that effect alternative families. 

Whether you are already in the process or you are just considering your options, USD has resources and information that you can use to educate yourself, connect with people like you, and help you navigate your path to beginning your family.

How does UtahSpermDonor.org work?

Our professional case workers maintain an active network of pre screened sperm donors all over Utah. When an aspiring mother contacts us, we walk her through the process, discuss and identify needs and then offer her the very best matches. We offer intermediary support for both mother and donor.

How much does UtahSpermDonor.org cost?

You will never be charged. We are supported by financial donations and expert volunteers.

I'm new here, where do I start?

Explore our web site and familiarize yourself with your options and the process. Then submit your ideal donor profile or contact us. We will review our database and connect you with your best donor match.

Why would someone consider using a private donor?

There are several reasons that people seek out a private known donor. Fertility treatments through a clinic can be extremely expensive, and may be cost prohibitive, especially for people who do not have any known fertility issues. Fresh sperm lives much longer than frozen sperm, and fresh donations can have a much higher sperm count. The window to time insemination is 24-36 hours with fresh sperm versus about 6 with frozen. This means that inseminating with fresh sperm is much more forgiving if cycle tracking techniques and has a higher likelihood of success outside of a clinical environment.

Also, many people feel it important to have a personal and direct interaction with the future biological contributor to their family, to meet face to face and really get to know who that person is. 

One of the biggest reasons people seek out a private known donor is to allow their child to know who that person is. This can be anything from just their name and general information all the way to occasional visits from the donor (a closer or familial relationship is referred to as co-parenting). They have an opportunity to maintain contact over the years, to have questions answered, and in a worst case scenario, to have access to medical information and genetic relatives. Their child has the opportunity to know their biological parent, in whatever form was agreed, and to grow up without the stress and pain of not knowing.

Why would someone consider being a sperm donor?

Many sperm donors feel they are changing lives with an amazing gift that will never be forgotten by those families helped.

What is a co-parent?

Co-parents are people who have decided to conceive and raise children together. This can take many forms and the respective parents may have different levels of involvement but it is understood that both biological parents will take a parenting role in the child's life.

Why would someone consider a co-parent partnership?

Some people may have had that close friend in high school or college, with whom they once said, “we’re both very compatible – if both of us hit a certain age and we’re still single, we should have a child together.” Of course, most of these friends go on to get married / partnered and likely have children of their own – but some don’t!

Today, in the United States alone, approximately 20% of all adults never have a child over the course of their lifetimes. For some, this is by choice. For others, this is by circumstance. There are many professional, successful adults in this country in their 30's and above who have developed a strong set of values, inspiring life experiences, and significant personal resources – but for varying reasons are currently single or not otherwise in a relationship where parenting with a romantic partner is a possibility.

We believe that there are a lot of loving, caring, responsible persons – who have a lot to offer their children and who would make great parents – whose personal circumstances have not afforded them the opportunity to explore parenthood. 

So is co-parenting about having a child with a stranger?

Definitely not. Parenting partnerships should not happen overnight. The goal of UtahSpermDonor.org is not to bring strangers together to have a baby, but to connect people with similar goals, values, and outlook on parenting, such that they can start to get to know one another and begin a friendship / personal relationship that may lead to a parenting partnership.

Are parenting partnerships appropriate for everyone?

Absolutely not! We can’t emphasize that enough. Co-parents are signing up for a lifetime commitment in relation to having a child. You are not signing up for a nice pair of shoes; they cannot be returned if you decide later you don’t like them. You are signing up for becoming the parent of a child, which is an enormous lifetime responsibility.

What are some advantages of "known donors" vs "anonymous donors"?

- Women can get a much more personal feel for, and better understanding of, exactly who the biological father is before deciding on the right sperm donor. Anonymous donors restrict your ability to understand your donor’s personality.

- Women can maintain contact with their donor in the years to come, so that they can get any questions answered, or provide / receive any needed information (e.g., additional medical information), and share information on their child’s development.

- Children will have the opportunity to know who their biological father is, and the door is left open to have the opportunity to develop a relationship with their father.

How does USD connect prospective donors and recipients?

The first step towards finding your donor is having the opportunity to identify people whose backgrounds, interests, and goals reflect what you’re looking for in a prospective partner. We meet in person and  developed a detailed profile that allows you to identify important information about your goals and how you envision the partnership to develop over time.

What happens once I decide on a parenting partner with USD?

Finding the right parenting partner is just the start of the process! We strongly encourage you to spend a great deal of time preparing for your parenting journey before you actually embark on the conception process. Once you’ve found the right partner, we encourage you to take advantage of the informational resources on our site. Review the Home Insemination page and schedule a "meeting" with your donor/co-parent.

What if I need additional help or have other questions about USD?

We’re always here to help! Please  Contact Us. We strive to respond to every inquiry asap.

Still have Questions? Contact Us